Industrial production indicators: understand the main ones

Industrial production indicators: understand the main ones

Industrial production indicators play a crucial role in the evolution of the textile industry. They are directly related to automation and Industry 4.0, providing valuable insights that drive the efficiency, innovation and competitiveness of companies in the sector.

Are you curious? So, continue reading to learn more about the topic and have access to the main industrial indicators for production.

Let’s go?

What are industrial production indicators?

Industrial production indicators guide a more efficient, assertive and profitable operation.
Essa é uma ferramenta estratégica que garante um correto direcionamento para a gestão.

Here, “thinking” is put aside to give way to administration and control based on true data that 100% reflects the reality of your textile production. In any case, industrial production indicators are metrics that collaborate with monitoring and the evaluation of the performance and efficiency of the textile operation. In other words, they are important for understanding industry performance and for making strategic decisions. based on this information. These rates provide insights into efficiency, productivity and trends.

Using them is essential for increasing productivity, development, progress and increasing opportunities. After all, they help to optimize processes, reduce costs and increase competitiveness in the sector. It is worth highlighting that, currently, there are more than 22.5 thousand formal companies across the country, according to Texbrasil.
Nesse contexto, se destacar da concorrência é essencial para garantir um espaço privilegiado na mente do cliente, que está cada vez mais exigente.

But, to achieve this, one must invest in productivity and, therefore, rely on industrial production indicators.

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How important are these indicators?

How important are these indicators?

Industrial production indicators, as we have seen, play a fundamental role in the company’s continuous improvement. Following them is essential to:

  • Performance monitoring: the correct assessment of production progress, comparing results and identifying trends over time;
  • Decision making: make more informed and data-driven decisions, contributing to the efficiency and productivity of the textile industry;
  • Problem identification: help find problems and bottlenecks quickly and in advance in production. Thus, allowing corrective and preventive actions before generating losses;
  • Process optimization: contribute to the identification of improvements in production processes. This results in greater efficiency and cost reduction;
  • Quality control: assist in monitoring the quality of manufactured textile products, ensuring that they meet the standards established by the company, customers and the market.


And, in addition to these gains, it is worth highlighting one more: industrial production indicators are directly related to automation and Industry 4.0. They are the basis of operation with intelligent and innovative machines. The technology generated by the 4.0 concept contributes to the standardization of processes, as well as ensuring agility and efficiency of activities. After all, it relies on the automation of repetitive operations that, due to human errors, generate major obstacles.

But, the opposite way can also be done. I.e:

  • Data collection may be automated;
  • Information analysis will be more efficient with the help of technologies from industry 4.0, such as Artificial Intelligence.


In any case, the information from the indicators makes it possible to optimize processes.
Com dados automatizados e digitalizados haverá uma maior flexibilidade e adaptabilidade da indústria têxtil.

Here, decision-making will be based on valuable and coherent insights, contributing to a more agile response to market demands.

How to optimize textile production through technology? Click and download the eBook!

Discover the main industrial production indicators

There are different industrial production indicators, which makes their selection difficult. However, it is worth highlighting that, here, quantity is not synonymous with quality!

The best thing to do is to identify the indicators that are most consistent with the established goals and objectives of your textile industry. This will make it easier to track and analyze them more efficiently, due to the smaller volume of metrics.

With this in mind, we have gathered the main production indicators to help you in this process. See the complete list below!

1. Productivity

Productivity is one of the main indicators of industrial production. In fact, it is present in different areas of the industry and its analysis also helps to identify bottlenecks in textile machines, for example. Because this metric is responsible for measuring the production capacity of an equipment, line or even factory.
Tudo com base, é claro, na quantidade pré-determinada de produção, em um período de tempo específico.

The formula for the analysis is: Productivity = Number of Units Produced / Time (hours or days).

7 common production bottlenecks in the textile industry and how to solve them

2. Production capacity

Knowledge of the textile industry’s production capacity is essential to avoid unnecessary waste and losses. This is because this production indicator calculates the maximum quantity of products that a company is capable of manufacturing under normal conditions (available resources). To measure it, it is necessary:

  • Have the actual production output of products;
  • Know the total production potential.


Therefore, the formula is:Productive capacity = Quantity of products produced / Production potential x 100.

Read also: Understand what they are and how to avoid textile waste

3. Scrap Index

In the textile industry, the Scrap Index needs to be constantly evaluated, as it contributes to identifying flaws in production processes..
Como, por exemplo, a falta de
fabric review.

Excluding this practice can cause problems in the development phase. spreading and products with low commercial quality.

Therefore, with this analysis, it is possible to find opportunities to growth and development.

So, follow the calculation:

Scrap Index = Quantity of manufactured products / quantity of poor quality products x 100.

4. Cycle Time

This industrial production indicator measures the time it takes to produce a part.
Para isso, considera desde o início até o fim de todo o processo de fabricação do produto.

That is, the Cycle Time It is essential for understanding the efficiency of each activity. After all, it analyzes all operational tasks to complete a production unit, including the period in which production was stopped.

All of this is evaluated to identify the efficiency and performance of the entire production chain. Therefore, to measure it, simply perform: Cycle time = net production time / number of units produced during this period.

Also read: How to reduce textile production time?

5. Total production cost

Knowing the production cost also helps with industry performance analysis. After all, expensive operations usually indicate problems in processes and operations. Therefore, in addition to the obvious gains in financial health, this indicator is essential for the company’s progress. For your calculation, follow the formula: Total production cost = raw material cost + direct labor cost + fixed and variable costs + extras.

Read also: How can technology reduce rework in textile production?

6. Overall Equipment Effectiveness OEE

Finally, Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) measures the efficiency of the equipment. It can be used in managing maintenance or production, being one of the main industrial indicators. After all, it facilitates understanding of the productivity of the textile industry by identifying the frequency at which the textile machine is available for operation. Furthermore, it also helps with the analysis of production time and the quality of products manufactured under appropriate conditions. To evaluate it, carry out the measurement: OEE = Availability x Performance x Quality. It should be noted that:

  • Availability = (time producing / time programmed to produce) x 100;
  • Performance% = (actual production quantity / theoretical production quantity) x 100;
  • Quality% = (quantity of good / total quantity produced) x 100.


You can see that industrial production indicators complement each other, right? Analyzing them together is the most efficient way to understand the current context of your textile industry. That is why their choice is so important and needs to be carried out based on the established goals.

To help you with this mission, start by evaluating the efficiency of the OEE Calculation. As we stated, it is one of the main metrics and its evaluation contributes to the improvement in different areas. So, click the button below and access our free spreadsheet!

OEE calculation spreadsheet: click and download now!

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