Sustentabilidade na indústria da moda: qual é o papel da inovação?

As marcas estão cada vez mais sendo pressionadas para assumir papéis mais conscientes na sociedade. A sustentabilidade na indústria da moda, que já não é uma novidade, passa a ser um tema ainda mais comentado e cobrado pelos consumidores. Pensando nisso, muitas empresas já passaram a se adaptar e, para isso, utilizaram a tecnologia como […]

Consumo sustentável e seus impactos na indústria da moda

Muito se fala em consumo sustentável e boas práticas para o meio ambiente. No entanto, você sabe do que isso se trata? Apesar de a indústria da moda sempre ser associada a impactos negativos no ambiente, muitas grandes corporações estão se adequando a essa nova demanda de consumo. Para não perder espaço no mercado, entenda […]

Fashion industry and sustainable production

fashion industry

The fashion industry does not have a very favorable reputation when it comes to sustainability, as it is on the list of the most polluting activities in the world. Furthermore, the media has reported events that have become known as “the dirty secret”. The complaints are about the obscure custom of incinerating and destroying products […]

Upcycling: what it is and its impact on the future of production

Although it is not new, upcycling is a concept that has gained strength in recent years in the textile industry. One of the main reasons is environmental awareness and the renewal of the fashion universe. It can help reduce waste and improve production control and capacity. Want to understand the topic better? Check out the […]

Circular Economy: How Does It Apply to the Textile Sector?

Circular Economy: How Does It Apply to the Textile Sector?

If you’re interested in sustainability, know that a concept that has gained prominence in recent years is the circular economy. It goes beyond recycling and reusing discarded materials and brings about more impactful changes in consumption patterns and society as a whole, generating savings while preserving the environment. To better understand the topic and how […]

Waste in clothing: 4 ways to combat this problem

Textile machine in operation representing Waste in manufacturing.

Waste in manufacturing is very harmful and can have financial consequences for the industry. Taking into account the competitiveness of the market, avoiding it can be decisive for the organization to achieve success in its segment. Therefore, if you notice that there is waste during production processes, you need to devise strategies to combat the […]

Sustainability in manufacturing: an issue to be analyzed

Two people in a meeting discussing sustainability in textile manufacturing.

Working on the concept of sustainability in garment manufacturing is a necessity because, besides being crucial for the environment, it is also financially advantageous for the company. Contrary to what may be imagined, such actions are not complicated and even help increase productivity. Read on to better understand the subject!   The importance of sustainability […]