Fast Fashion: what are the impacts on textile production?

Fast fashion

The concept of fast fashion is somewhat controversial. On one hand, companies invest in full force and claim that this is the future of fashion. While, on the other, there are those who do not enjoy the idea because of some negative points. These, in turn, are directly related to sustainability. To understand more about […]

Como o setor de manutenção pode contribuir para a eficiência da produção têxtil?

setor de manutenção

O setor de manutenção exerce um papel fundamental para aumentar a produtividade e lucratividade das fábricas de produção têxtil, auxiliando na otimização dos processos, redução dos custos e no cuidado com as máquinas. Um bom ciclo de produção contribui para que os processos sejam executados de forma mais eficiente, eliminando possíveis gargalos, riscos e prejuízos. […]

How can technology reduce rework in textile production?

In order to save money, many companies are reluctant to replace old equipment that still works. The fact is that, despite working, outdated machinery can often be hindering productivity and reducing profits, causing rework in production. To better understand how technology can solve this issue and how worthwhile it is, keep reading!   Increases the […]

How to reduce textile production time?

Controlling production time represents one of the main challenges of the textile industry, as it depends on other processes, such as the company’s training and machinery, and affects competitiveness and profitability. Reducing this time, which is called lead time, makes customers more satisfied and also reduces important production costs. In this article, we explain how […]

Digital ruler in textile production: what you need to know

Digital ruler

With process automation, it is increasingly possible to obtain optimizations in textile industry services. An example is the digital ruler, because, although in Brazil many companies still use the manual method (tape measure) to measure the width of the mesh/fabric roll, it can solve several problems that may occur, in addition to providing benefits. Want […]