Maintenance indicators: learn about the main ones + free infographic

Maintenance indicators: learn about the main ones + free infographic

Maintenance indicators are extremely important for asset management! They help optimize industry performance and the useful life of machinery. In this article, you’ll see some of them and at the end you’ll find a free infographic with the complete list. So read on to resolve your doubts about this topic once and for all. Let’s […]

Fast Fashion: what are the impacts on textile production?

Fast fashion

The concept of fast fashion is somewhat controversial. On one hand, companies invest in full force and claim that this is the future of fashion. While, on the other, there are those who do not enjoy the idea because of some negative points. These, in turn, are directly related to sustainability. To understand more about […]

How to guarantee high performance and quality in spreading?


With technological developments in the textile industries, the spreading process was one of the most benefited steps. After all, today it is possible to optimize operations with the help of automation. In the era of industry 4.0, investing in digital resources is essential to increase the quality of the production process. The use of intelligent […]

Clothing manufacturing: 6 reasons to innovate!

Clothing making

Today, innovation is part of the clothing manufacturing industry! There is no longer room for resistance regarding technology investment. After all, they are capable of guaranteeing competitive advantages to the sector, contributing to the marketing evolution of the company. Do you want to understand more about the subject? So, below, find out what are the […]

Textile industry in Brazil: discover the panorama

textile industry in Brazil

The textile industry in Brazil generates income and creates jobs, being fundamental for the economy. Since its emergence, more than 2 centuries ago, it has been driven by the process of transformation and the use of new technologies. In this content, discover how we became the 5th largest textile industry in the world and the […]

How to improve the fabric review stage?

How to improve the tissue review stage

The fabric review stage is essential to promote the quality of the final product. In addition to ensuring productivity and cost reduction throughout the production chain. But, did you know that there is a way to improve this process even further? To understand how this practice can be optimized and automated, continue reading. We have […]

Artificial intelligence in the textile industry: what to expect in the coming years?

Artificial intelligence in the textile industry: what to expect in the coming years?

Artificial Intelligence in the textile industry may seem like a very distant reality. However, now, more than ever, it is possible to count on the help of technology to promote more assertiveness, automation, productivity and quality to the market. Are you curious? So continue reading! In this content we bring together the main information about […]

Why use a sample washer instead of household machines?

Why use sample washers instead of household machines?

The Sample Washer is a solution developed to carry out fabric shrinkage tests. Unlike domestic machines, it is able to meet the high demand for textiles and also contribute to production efficiency. Are you curious? Read on to see the main gains generated by the machine, based on real success stories! Happy reading! Discover the […]