How to guarantee high performance and quality in spreading?

With technological developments in the textile industries, the spreading process was one of the most benefited steps. After all, today it is possible to optimize operations with the help of automation. In the era of industry 4.0, investing in digital resources is essential to increase the quality of the production process. The use of intelligent […]
Urbano invests in technology to carry out 4-hour tests in just 15 minutes, raising its quality level!

Time is one of the most valuable assets in production. Especially in the reality of Industry 4.0 that we live in, where processes are increasingly automated and agile. Therefore, today we want to present the success story of Urbano Têxtil. The company, by adopting the Delta Sample Washer in its activities, saved time and costs […]
Is it possible to guarantee quality in textile manufacturing?

There are several problems that are common in manufacturing, such as difficulty in stock control, low productivity, the purchase of poor quality raw materials, among others. As a result, many companies believe that there is no way to guarantee quality in textile manufacturing, but this is a mistake. In this article we will not only […]
Productivity in clothing: 3 effects of the lack of quality of raw materials

How much do you care about the quality of the raw materials you use in your production? Despite being one of the essential factors, not all companies carry out the inspection process correctly, which generates losses and reduces production productivity, profit margin and also impacts the possibility of growth. Check out now 3 effects of […]
Waste in processing: how to avoid it?

Waste in textile processing is responsible for important losses, such as time, raw materials, impacts on quality and even its image in the market. This is a stage that involves fundamental processes for your products and that interfere with other production stages. The exhaustion procedures, continuous and semi-continuous, have a primary influence on the results […]