Cost reduction: learn how to practice in the textile industry

cost reduction

In an increasingly competitive scenario, it is important to practice cost reduction, as this action directly affects the company’s profit. Therefore, this text will address the need to think about this strategy, as well as practices and tips on how to achieve this objective. Continue reading! The importance of practicing cost reduction in the textile […]

Processo produtivo: 5 Erros mais comuns na confecção

processo produtivo

O processo produtivo eficiente é essencial para a confecção, afinal, quanto mais produtividade, qualidade e agilidade ele tiver, mais lucro será obtido. Muitas empresas ainda sofrem com alguns problemas para os quais já existem soluções. Neste artigo listamos 5 deles e indicaremos como solucioná-los. Continue a leitura e saiba quais são!   1. Excesso de […]

Qual a diferença entre Estação Hidro Aspersora x Hidro Aspersor

Hidro aspersor

Nossos equipamentos são desenvolvidos pensando no desempenho e alta produtividade para a indústria têxtil. Cada um deles tem a sua atuação eficiente e eficaz estando juntos ou não. Pensamos também, no alto desempenho, dos nossos produtos estando juntos, um dos exemplos é a Estação Hidro Aspersora e o Hidro Aspersor. A Estação Hidro Aspersora é […]

Quanto o rendimento de tecidos impacta nos custos?

Rendimento de tecidos

Sua confecção tem o controle do rendimento de tecidos? Apesar de nem sempre monitorada, essa informação impacta muito nos custos, visto que o desperdício é um dos principais problemas dentro da indústria têxtil e conhecer o rendimento evita que esse desperdício ocorra. Ao conhecer os dados dos rendimentos dos tecidos, é possível traçar estratégias que […]

Advanced manufacturing: what it is and who is already using it

advanced manufacturing

Have you ever heard of advanced manufacturing? The term refers to Industry 4.0, which is characterized by remote production controls, which are carried out through sensors and equipment connected in a network. Although many believe that this concept is far from being implemented, in reality it is already applicable and has been tested in the […]

What sets Delta’s textile sample washer apart?

Textile Sample Washer

If you are thinking about upgrading your industry’s machinery, including Delta’s Textile Sample Washer is an excellent opportunity to increase productivity and optimize input analysis for more efficient quality control. Carrying out efficient tests to check the shrinkage and quality of fabrics prevents future problems and helps to improve the final quality of the product. […]

How to automate production: steps and benefits

When we talk about automating production, we are referring to optimizing the management of time and raw materials used, resulting in lower costs and more efficiency. To achieve this, activities previously carried out by humans are carried out by machines and systems are integrated. In industry, these technological innovations are so remarkable that they are […]

Why investing in machinery can reduce costs in the textile industry?

reduce costs in the textile industry

Reducing costs in the textile industry can be the difference between achieving success and profitability with the company or creating bottlenecks that hinder its operation and business sustainability. Therefore, it is essential to find ways to manage production costs aiming for increased profitability. In some cases, investing in machinery may be the best way to […]