Problems in the quality of textile products: how to solve them?

How to solve textile product quality problems

The vast majority of textile product quality problems are related to a lack of investment in intelligent solutions. The inappropriate use of machines or their outdatedness are the main causes of companies’ low competitiveness in the market. Are you curious? So continue reading to better understand this relationship and how to resolve the main negative […]

Digital printing: understand the new trend in the global market

digital printing

Digital printing is the newest trend on the market, because it promotes efficiency, agility and profitability in textile production. This is the technique responsible for eliminating some of the main pain points in the sector. Are you curious and want to know more about digital printing on fabric? So continue reading to find out more […]

5 reasons to invest in technology 4.0

Reasons to invest in technology

Technology 4.0 contributes to the development of the textile industry in Latin America as a whole. Technology 4.0 contributes to the development of the textile industry in Latin America as a whole. This concept comes from the textile industry 4.0, which contributes to a greater number of smart factories, promoting autonomy, automation, digitalization and process […]