Production management: learn how to optimize in the textile industry

Production management in the textile industry

Production management needs to be carried out efficiently, especially in the textile industry. After all, here, an error can cause the loss of material that will need to be sold at a lower value or discarded. Although many organizations believe that their processes are efficient, in most cases, they could still be optimized. Especially when […]

Textile sector: why do we need to adapt to Industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0 in the textile sector

The quest to improve company performance is essential for the success and survival of organizations in the textile sector. You should focus on equipment that can offer a significant increase in performance and, consequently, productivity. Automation, modularization and standardization of methods, processes, work routines and equipment operation have become crucial! To this end, organizations are […]

What is quality control? How does it work in the textile industry?

Textile quality control

Textile quality control is a system adopted to prevent faults and problems in processes and products. The aim is to efficiently meet the production needs and desires of customers. So it’s not just about checking and counting defects in finished products. On the contrary! The aim here is to anticipate possible problems and find solutions […]

Problems in the quality of textile products: how to solve them?

How to solve textile product quality problems

The vast majority of textile product quality problems are related to a lack of investment in intelligent solutions. The inappropriate use of machines or their outdatedness are the main causes of companies’ low competitiveness in the market. Are you curious? So continue reading to better understand this relationship and how to resolve the main negative […]

5 reasons to invest in technology in the textile finishing phase

Reasons to invest in technology in the textile finishing phase

Investment in technology in the textile finishing phase is more than necessary. It is indispensable for the industry that wants to promote a complete balance between quality and profitability! There are countless reasons for purchasing this tool, but in this text, we list 5 main ones. We also reinforce its impacts on efficiency and assertiveness […]

5 benefits of process standardization in the textile industry

5 benefits of process standardization in the textile industry

Process standardization is essential to eliminate unnecessary activities, reduce resource waste and ensure greater quality and profitability. Therefore, promoting this practice is essential to ensure the financial, operational and marketing health of your textile industry. Below we list 5 of the main benefits of process standardization to reinforce why you should invest in this tactic. […]

Textile samples: how to optimize the washing process in industry?

Textile samples: how to optimize the washing process in industry?

The process of washing textile samples tends to be the center of one of the biggest problems in the textile sector. This is because this stage tends to be longer than it should be, delaying manufacturing activities, causing waste and damaging the final quality of the product. Therefore, promoting the optimization of these operations is […]

How to guarantee the reduction of waste in the textile chain?

textile chain

Waste is the biggest problem of an inefficient textile chain. Promoting productivity, agility and optimization in each activity and phase is essential to avoid waste, lost time and additional costs. To achieve this, it is necessary to invest in technology and intelligent solutions. Want to know more about the subject? So continue reading to see […]

Processo produtivo: 5 Erros mais comuns na confecção

processo produtivo

O processo produtivo eficiente é essencial para a confecção, afinal, quanto mais produtividade, qualidade e agilidade ele tiver, mais lucro será obtido. Muitas empresas ainda sofrem com alguns problemas para os quais já existem soluções. Neste artigo listamos 5 deles e indicaremos como solucioná-los. Continue a leitura e saiba quais são!   1. Excesso de […]