Warehouse management: bottlenecks generated by lack of information

warehouse management

How is warehouse management going in your manufacturing company? Very important for the company, this sector is responsible for receiving, storing, preserving and shipping materials. Although at first it seems like everything is working well, many companies make mistakes that cause bottlenecks and financial losses without even knowing it.

In this article we will show what these bottlenecks are and how they can be resolved. Check it out!


Workflow delays

Normally, upon receiving products from suppliers, a superficial inspection of the fabrics is carried out. When carrying out the fitting study, the performance is calculated based on this study, but if it is done inadequately and, at the time of packing, a lower quality is found, the performance is reduced.

The packaging sector ends up taking on the responsibility of analyzing this material and this delays the work flow. Ideally, quality control should be carried out as soon as the inputs arrive.

This can now be done in a thorough and agile way using equipment. The Mesh Reviewer, for example, can perform mesh inspection, generating information such as width, meters, usable area, yield, grammage and other information.



Losses from purchasing low-quality inputs

In addition to delaying the production flow, purchasing low-quality inputs brings losses, as it generates waste and, often, the production of second-quality parts.

One way to solve this warehouse management problem is, in addition to identifying these low-quality inputs, to understand where they come from. Suppliers are a very important part of this management and, therefore, it is important to have good partners.

List suppliers, identify which are the best in terms of input quality, prices and deadlines and then establish standardized and efficient communication methods. Better relationships with good suppliers can even lead to better negotiations and even “save” the company in cases of emergency orders.



Blind shopping

Inefficient inventory control can cause serious losses to companies. This is because it generates errors in warehouse management, causing unnecessary purchases to be made or inputs missing for the production process. In many cases, there is even an inability to meet customer demands with agility and quality.

The information needs to be up to date, the company’s sectors need to be connected to provide data and monitor the progress of processes. Which also ends up taking us to the next topic.



Lack of data and strategic planning

Industry 4.0 arrived to show the importance of planning based on data. Warehouse management requires organization, planning and control of information so that there are no shortages or accumulation of inputs, no waste or problems in the production flow.

This control requires a large amount of data that needs to be accessible to multiple sectors. It is no longer possible to use a notebook or Excel spreadsheets that are not connected. Time is essential and these outdated methods end up taking too much time and effort to use, in addition to not solving all problems.

Automated equipment that generates data and is connected to management software can drastically reduce the time needed to control information, collect relevant information and enable access and control in real time.

Production automation is no longer an upgrade, it has already proven to be indispensable not only for warehouse management, but for the textile industry in general. Companies that don’t adapt tend to be left behind, stuck in the same problems, while the rest focus on new improvements and results.

We have another article in which we talk about automating your production and what benefits this can generate. Read now and understand more about this topic!

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Delta Equipamentos was born out of the need for textile industries to optimize their production, aiming for greater competitiveness and constant updating in the globalized market. We offer innovative products and customized solutions, meeting the expectations and needs of our customers.