Risks of not adapting to NR12

suitability for NR12

Companies that use machinery and equipment to carry out their activities need to be aware of legislation, as non-compliance with regulations can lead to serious losses, such as fines and work accidents. In the textile segment, one of the most important regulations is NR12, or Regulatory Standard No. 12. It was implemented with the aim of guaranteeing a safer working environment for employees, items that are duly inspected and, therefore, do not pose risks to workers’ health. . Given its importance for companies, maintaining NR12 compliance is essential if you don’t want to have headaches and legal problems. Find out what the risks are of not putting this regulation into practice. Continue reading!


What is NR12?

NR12 was implemented in June 1978 and its main objective is to protect the health and integrity of employees who operate machinery in the workplace. In general, the regulations provide for the application of measures that contribute to a safe and productive environment. This includes monitoring at each stage, such as installation, operation and even maintenance of items.

Therefore, industries need to adapt to the established parameters and focus on the safety, both individual and collective, of employees. Therefore, during the audit, aspects such as:

  • number of work accidents;
  • employee safety;
  • condition of use of machines and equipment.

Based on these and other factors, the tax auditor can discern whether the industry meets the rules of NR12.


suitability for NR12


What are the deadlines for adapting to NR12?

Promoting changes to comply with Regulation number 12 is not so simple. After all, sometimes it is necessary to interfere in production processes and activities to comply with legislation. In July 2017, Ordinance 873 was released, available in the Official Gazette of the Union. The document contains four changes that were made to NR12e that need to be implemented in the day-to-day activities of companies. The deadline to adapt to the updates is 36 months, and this period starts from July 1, 2017. However, the equipment and machinery that are manufactured in the national territory are already being produced according to the NR12 standard, eliminating the need for making adjustments to these newly acquired items through internal manufacturers.


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What penalties can be applied?

Companies that do not comply with NR12 are subject to various penalties. Therefore, being irregular generates a series of problems, as in addition to damaging the industry’s credibility in the market, it also causes financial losses. Failure to make the required changes conveys an image of irresponsibility with employee safety. More than that, the company that has irregular facilities and equipment has to pay fines and, in extreme cases, there is the risk of imprisonment. Another factor is the safety you want to offer the team, as inspection aims to prevent workplace accidents and ensure the health of everyone involved. That is why it is so important to apply measures that preserve the physical integrity of workers, ensuring that all equipment is in order.


That is why it is so important to apply measures that preserve the physical integrity of workers, ensuring that all equipment is in order.


Postponing this regularization or thinking that your company will possibly not receive a visit from a tax auditor is risky, mainly due to the serious consequences that this can generate if you do not comply with what is required. Worrying about NR12 adequacy is essential for the proper functioning of your company. In addition to being a relevant point, which guarantees the safety and well-being of employees, following the legislation eliminates the chances of financial losses through fines, bans or even imprisonment. If the audit detects irregularities or problems that do not provide security in the work routine, a penalty is expected. Delta Equipamentos is concerned with planning and producing equipment suitable for NR12, providing the safety and efficiency that the textile industry needs in its production processes. Contact us to find out about the solutions available for your business!

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