Maintenance in the textile industry: is postponing it in times of crisis a good option?

Maintenance in the textile industry

Brazil’s economic situation is not the best, which has led many companies to suspend all possible expenses, including preventive maintenance of equipment. But is suspending maintenance in the textile industry really the best option? This is what we will cover in the article below. Continue reading and check it out!


What is the real condition of your equipment?

Over the years, equipment tends to fail. Without preventive maintenance, those that are damaged can break and stop the production line from functioning.

As a result, it can take days or even weeks for you to be able to normalize the production processes and start manufacturing the products again, causing various problems and losses.

The ideal is to create a maintenance plan and follow it, whether in times of crisis or not. Through it you can analyze the ideal maintenance frequency and adapt according to the available budget, taking into account the pros and cons.


Are there flaws in maintenance processes in the textile industry?

If there are flaws in the process that hinder productivity, generate waste or impact the quality of the parts produced, it means that you really need to carry out preventive maintenance. This way it is possible to avoid repairs that can cost much more than the maintenance itself.

Furthermore, because they are scheduled, it is possible to analyze the days on which they will occur and prepare so that they affect the production line as little as possible, unlike unforeseen events, which can happen when you least expect it and have a greater impact on the results.

In some cases, it is even necessary to think about the need to exchange equipment. This is because with more modern equipment that is in perfect working order, you can obtain gains that will help you produce more, spending less.

Consider that increasing the profit margin, combined with greater customer satisfaction due to purchasing quality parts and productivity in economically unstable times is a good way to stay in the market.




Are you willing to give up the benefits of preventive maintenance?

Last but not least, you need to consider the benefits that preventative maintenance provides and evaluate whether it is really worth giving up on them. Check out some examples:

Increased useful life of maintenance equipment in the textile industry

When maintenance is carried out periodically, it can prevent major problems with the equipment, increasing its useful life.

Reduced consumption of spare parts

Many equipment failures are caused by wear and tear on parts. When carrying out maintenance, this wear and tear is reduced, also reducing the need to use spare parts.


Maintenance in the textile industry


Better quality of the parts produced

The better your equipment works, the better the quality of the parts and the less rework and production of second-quality parts. As quality is an important factor for customers, this point must be taken into consideration.

Standardization of processes

Optimize processes and make them more standardized, ensuring waste reduction and increased productivity.


Maintenance in the textile industry


Employee safety

If the equipment is working properly, productivity is ensured, as well as the safety of employees, reducing problems such as workplace accidents.

Reduced production line downtime

As we have said before, it is often more expensive to repair equipment than to carry out preventive maintenance. After all, if the problem is noticed early on, it does not cause disruptions such as a complete stoppage of the production line.

As you can see, maintenance in the textile industry is not actually a cost, it is an investment and, therefore, should be treated as such. When cutting costs, take into account that your equipment is an essential part of your business and needs to be working well to generate profit and keep the company competitive in the market.

Now, if in addition to carrying out maintenance in the textile industry, you realize that the time has come to change your machinery, also know that there are points to consider. Read this article now in which we tell you what to consider when choosing new machinery for industry!

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