The textile industry is one of the sectors that most affects the preservation of the environment. That’s why building a sustainable brand is so important ecologically and market-wise.
Are you curious? So, continue reading to understand more about the subject and access tips on how to include sustainable actions in your industry.
Why worry about having a sustainable brand in the textile industry?
A sustainable brand is more than a differentiator, but a necessity! The sector is one of those that generates the greatest impact on the environment and, therefore, conscious actions are essential to guarantee a suitable future.
According to data reported by Exame, more than75% of the 50 main global luxury players are using environmentally friendly materials. Furthermore, 75% of them are looking to reduce packaging, use more renewable energy and reduce carbon emissions in the coming years.
Especially because80% of consumers say they care about consuming in a conscious and sustainable way. Therefore, sooner or later it will be necessary to implement more ecological actions to avoid falling behind in the market.
But, in addition to the commercial gains, it is necessary to highlight the benefits in terms of reducing the impacts of the textile industry on the environment. According to the European parliament, the sector:
- Consumed 79 millioncubic meters of water (2015);
- It uses, on average, 2700 liters of fresh water to manufacture a cotton t-shirt (the average amount a person drinks in 2 and a half years);
- It is the third largest source of water degradation and land use (2020);
- It is responsible for around 20% of global drinking water pollution due to the use of dyeing and finishing products;
- Releases 35% of primary microplastics into the environment thanks to washing synthetic clothing. A single wash discharges 700,000 microplastic fibers, which can enter the food chain;
- Promotes the accumulation of 14 million tons of microplastics at the bottom of the oceans;
- The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of global carbon emissions (more than the sum of international flights and maritime transport);
- Only 1% of recycled clothing is transformed into new products.
Read also: What are SDGs and what is the role of the textile industry?
How to include sustainable actions in your industry?
As discussed above, a sustainable brand is essential for attracting new customers. However, ecologically correct practices are even more essential to guarantee the reduction of the effects of the textile industry on the environment.
To achieve this, it is important to promote increasingly conscious and responsible productions. Of course, there are wild ideas that make sustainability almost unattainable. However, it is possible to contribute to the preservation of the environment by carrying out “simple” daily actions.
This is an excellent way to gradually implement sustainability in your industry and engage employees. And then, consequently, increase the grandeur of these acts.
So, here are some tips on how to include sustainable actions in your textile industry!
Bet on the circular economy
The circular economy is a great way to start building a sustainable brand. This is a concept that unites, as its name suggests, economy and sustainability. To do this, it is necessary to follow the 5 R’s:
- Rethink;
- Refuse;
- Reduce;
- Reuse;
- Recycle;
In this way, the objective is to contribute to the redesign of products, processes and businesses based on sustainable development. This means reusing textile material, rationally using natural resources and investing in reverse logistics, for example.
The important thing is to minimize resource extraction, maximize reuse and ensure increased efficiency. All this while promoting savings to the industry!
Use environmentally friendly materials
Then, invest in the use of environmentally friendly materials to build a sustainable brand. That is, try to use those that have the greatest possibility of recycling. And eliminate those that cause major impacts, such as synthetic fabrics.
It is also possible to rely on materials that are ecological in nature. That is, those that contain sustainable fibers. Such as polyester, which is made from plastic bottles or the refibering of wood waste.
Another important point to consider is the use and application of the packaging. Rethink ways to encourage their reuse by your end customers. Such as the use of ecobags and bags as packaging, which can be reused for countless uses.
Manage waste well
Another important point in the search for creating a sustainable brand in the textile industry is waste management. It is necessary to correctly collect and disposeof what is left over in textile production, from scraps to water used in chemical processes.
But don’t stop there! Use recycled paper and eliminate the use of plastic throughout industry, including the office.
Furthermore, try to invest in actions that contribute to saving water and energy. Such as reusing rainwater or using clean energy sources. To this end, also invest in raising awareness among your employeesto encourage the elimination ofwaste.
Count on responsible suppliers
It’s that simple! All these actions are of no use if your suppliers do not contribute to them. After all, claiming to be a sustainable brand but supporting polluting companies is a bit incoherent, right?
It is necessary to have responsible partners who are aware of their impacts. This not only helps you put your ideas into practice, but also encourages investment in sustainability for more companies in the sector.
Not to mention that this type of partnership contributes to the marketing image of both parties.
Invest in more efficient technological equipment
Last but not least, invest in technological and intelligent equipment! The textile machines used in your industrial park must be able to guarantee pollution-free and sustainable performance!
These equipment, throughtechnology and innovation, can save resources by eliminating errors, rework and material losses. The quality and efficiency of this machinery allows for production focused on zero waste.
Learn more about the impacts of technology!
The search for building a sustainable brand in the textile industry is increasingly inevitable! It is the sector’s role to ensure the reduction of impacts on the environment, promoting more conscious and responsible actions.
And technology plays a fundamental role in this scenario! After all, with it it is possible to optimize production, ensuring the reduction of costs and losses. To understand more about the subject, click the button below and download our eBook.