5 benefits of Big Data for the industry

5 benefits of Big Data for the industry

If you still don’t understand very well what Big Data is and what its benefits are, don’t worry. We have gathered in this content the main information regarding this technology.

So, continue reading and resolve, once and for all, your doubts on the subject.

Let’s go?

What is Big Data?

Big Data is a technology originating from Industry 4.0. According to material from USP, the concept refers to the large volume of data and the correct processing of this information. To achieve this, it follows the pillar of the 3 Vs. They are:

  • Volume: as the name suggests, it concerns the huge amount of data generated per second;
  • Variety: corresponds to the diversity of data types. They can be categorized and separated to ensure fit with the management and analysis approach and technologies;
  • Speed: represents how quickly data is generated, collected and processed. This is precisely what allows information to be analyzed and monitored in real time.


These 3 aspects are important for defining the data used in this concept. It is no coincidence that these same factors are responsible for the requirements for tools capable of collecting, processing and storing this information, working correctly with their volume, speed and variety.

Here, it is important to highlight one more attribute regarding variety. The data, as we have seen, are diverse. Therefore, they are separated as:

  • Structured: are those that are easy to store, search and process. After all, it is more organized data, generally placed in a specific and fixed format, such as spreadsheets;
  • Semi-structured: refers to those that are more flexible, without standards, but that still follow a certain method of processing and analysis. Here, tags or keys are used as identifiers, providing information about characteristics and structures;
  • Unstructured: finally, the unstructured ones are the largest and most difficult to analyze. They do not follow a specific format, which can be text, audio and video. Currently, they represent the majority of available data.

Read also: Textile sector: why is it necessary to adapt to Industry 4.0?

Main applications of Big Data in industry

Big Data is often applied to technologies driven by Industry 4.0. Here, these tools are able to offer better handling of the large volume of data.
Possibilitando, assim, escalabilidade, disponibilidade, flexibilidade e alto desempenho.

Therefore, in the textile industry, these Big Data-driven tools are generally applied in:

  • Logistics and transport;
  • Demand forecast;
  • Management analysis;
  • Quality control;
  • Intelligent machinery;
  • Marketing and media.


As a result, technology is capable of transforming different areas of the textile industry, making it more competitive and innovative. Special emphasis is placed on textile machines that follow the concept of Industry 4.0 and Big Data. They are responsible for presenting valuable production data instantly, allowing you to ensure healthy and quality activities. In fact, they are mainly responsible for the gains that we will see below, regarding the use of Big Data in the textile industry.

Also read: Clothing in Industry 4.0: What is the real productive gain?

5 benefits of Big Data for the textile industry

5 benefits of Big Data for the textile industry

Based on what has been presented so far, we have put together 5 benefits of Big Data for the textile industry.

See the full list!

1. Increased efficiency

Increased efficiency is one of the main advantages provided by Big Data. With constant data analysis it is possible to have a view more macro aspect of industrial operations. Thus, there will be the possibility of identifying errors, bottlenecks and inefficient processes, before they become harmful to the industry. After all, reworking is one of the biggest challenges in the textile sector.

Understand by “error” everything that hinders productivity. I.e:


In conclusion, Big Data-driven tools allow you to predict scenarios. This way, the entire production line will become more efficient, ensuring productivity, continuous performance and, consequently, scalability.

Discover 7 common production bottlenecks in the textile industry and learn how to solve them!

2. More assertive decision making

With the collection and processing of data, through Big Data, the industry becomes Data Driven.
Esse é o termo designado para uma
data-driven management.

In other words, it represents an administrative approach that bases its decisions on real information about the current operation of the industry. Thus, leaving intuition and guesswork aside.

Here, data is one of the industry’s main assets as it guarantees concrete evidence capable of guiding management’s actions and strategies.

And this is also essential for increasing efficiency, as we saw in the previous topic. Not to mention that it also contributes to the discovery of new business opportunities and, consequently, the expansion of your industry.

3. Failure prevention

In addition to identifying bottlenecks and problems on the production line, Big Data analysis helps to recognize risk. And thus, develop strategies to mitigate them. What is also essential for the maintenance management, for example. Remember that textile machinery is the main input of the industry.
Logo, a utilização de ferramentas orientadas pelo Big Data contribui para a conservação e preservação dos equipamentos, visando o aumento da disponibilidade deles.

And, it also helps to build a safe environment, which values the well-being of those involved in industrial operations.

Read also: Maintenance 4.0: what does it mean in the industry?

4. Resource optimization

It’s that simple! With increased efficiency and reduced rework, failures and waste, there is resource optimization.
Isso inclui:
time, money and inputs. The quality of processes and final results contributes to the construction of a more financially healthy industry. In this way, investments can be allocated to more strategic areas, which help with business growth. It is no coincidence that Big Data helps with the competitiveness and evolution of the industry, as we have already mentioned.

Read also: Cost reduction: learn how to practice in the textile industry

5. Personalization and innovative products

Finally, data analysis, through Big Data, also contributes to market forecasts and better understanding of customer behavior. That helps you understand current demands, trends and requirements.

Therefore, it facilitates the customization of products and services according to the desires of each end consumer. And this directly influences the development of new products, capable of attracting this audience.

In fact, according to a survey cited by the Terra portal, 83% of customers They demand personalized products or services that adapt to their needs in a matter of moments or hours. As a result, they are likely to pay, on average, up to 25.3% more for them.

Ebook: how to optimize your textile production through technology.

Keep delving deeper into the subject!

Big Data is just one example of technology 4.0 that followed the evolution of industry 4.0. If you haven’t adapted to the concept yet, now is the time. After all, we are currently talking about Industry 5.0.

This phase corresponds to the connection and relationship between machines and humans with the aim of further improving the final results. To achieve this, the combination of the best characteristics of each asset is encouraged.

To understand more about this concept, click the button below and download our complete e-Book on the subject for free!

Everything you need to know about Industry 5.0: access and download now!

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Delta Equipamentos was born out of the need for textile industries to optimize their production, aiming for greater competitiveness and constant updating in the globalized market. We offer innovative products and customized solutions, meeting the expectations and needs of our customers.