7 Negative Impacts of Outdated Textile Machinery on the Industry!

Have you ever stopped to think about how efficient and modern textile machinery can make a difference in business? This is because obsolescence can negatively impact productivity, resulting in less profitability, especially in times of crisis.

We ask this because today we are experiencing the fourth industrial revolution, and businesses that are not investing in equipment updates are falling behind.

We have already brought here on the blog a lot of information about the future of the textile industry in the 4.0 era and its importance for the sector. However, most textile and garment companies continue to produce with machinery from the 2.0 line, which were powerful back in the second industrial revolution.

Do you know what this means? It means that many businesses could be gaining more with updated textile machinery in their operations, but are actually losing a lot of money and competitiveness in the market.

So, we have created this content for you to better understand the negative impacts that outdated textile machinery generates in your industry.

Keep reading to learn more about the importance of automating processes with technologies that contribute to business productivity.

What does the industry stand to gain from updating textile machinery?

Many companies in the sector are dealing with order cancellations and even factory closures, as reported by CNN Brazil with information from Abit (Brazilian Textile Industry Association).

However, managers who see machinery updates as a business opportunity can overcome adversities and still increase growth in results.

This is because updated textile machinery generates benefits such as:

  • Save time;
  • Reduction of unforeseen and maintenance costs;
  • Optimization of the use of the area;
  • Greater assertiveness in decision making;
  • Waste drop;
  • Improving product quality;
  • More safety when working.

If you don’t update yourself, you could suffer from these 7 negative impacts on business

So, now that you know everything you have to gain, you should also better understand what you have to lose if you ignore this need for market 4.0. Follow the points of attention listed here.

  1. Production bottlenecks

When an industry is overloaded, deliveries are delayed, customers are dissatisfied and there is a greater risk of faulty and defective products. And one of the factors that can generate these bottlenecks in production is outdated textile machines.

Therefore, if this solution is already old, it may operate at a slower speed, there is a greater chance of downtime and the need for maintenance, and it may even damage the materials used in manufacturing. Then, productivity drops and the company produces less than it should, losing business opportunities.

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  1. Unforeseen stops and maintenance costs

We must not forget that an old textile machine requires a much higher cost for maintenance. Furthermore, it poses more risks of unplanned downtime, which directly affects productivity.

In this way, it demands more time from professionals, who could be dedicating themselves to other operations but need to stop for constant inspections and adjustments. This directly impacts the growth of your company.

  1. Lack of precision in decision-making

Currently, Industry 4.0 technology allows textile machinery to record and present all data about its operation. By monitoring this information, companies can not only anticipate actions but also improve decision-making regarding the production process.

However, with older assets, management occurs with less agility and precision because choices are based on “guesswork” rather than certainties.

As we have already mentioned here on the blog, this is an increasingly present trend in the market and is related to the use of Big Data to benefit management.

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  1. Fines and expenses for adapting to NR-12

Did you know that inspections can visit Brazilian companies at any time to check the suitability of the textile machine for NR-12? During the visit, the inspector evaluates, among other issues, whether the requirements of the regulatory norm are being met.

In this sense, a more modern textile machine is already better prepared to meet legal requirements than older ones, requiring less investment in adjustments. And thus, it is possible to avoid penalties for non-compliance with NR-12, as well as many risks to workers, as we will see next.

  1. Risks to workers

Speaking of NR-12, we cannot fail to consider that an updated textile machine poses fewer risks of accidents to industry workers. . This is because it has technologies that ensure better operating conditions. Therefore, it is considered safer.

As highlighted by Febratex (Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Fair), the occupational safety indicators of the textile sector are considered positive in the Brazilian industrial sector. This result reflects a long process of studies and observations by industry professionals and needs to be maintained.

  1. Loss of competitiveness and quality

This is not the time to see the competition pulling ahead. . Therefore, by investing in a more efficient textile machine, your industry will gain a lot of competitive power in the market.

Remember what we said at the beginning? The machinery of national industries is still based on the second industrial revolution.

So, those who do not seek to automate processes by updating assets need to invest in more labor, while working with more risky and less agile production.

To top it off, quality control is directly impacted by this outdated issue. This is because an outdated textile machine can cause more fabric failures, or even result in more stained and frayed pieces, for example.

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  1. Biggest waste

When we talk about the waste generated by an outdated textile machine, we are not just referring to the use of more raw materials. Here, we can also include expenses such as energy waste, time waste, and even labor waste.

Therefore, investing in measures to avoid and control these losses is essential for the business to continue growing. In this sense, the textile machine in your industry represents an essential part to reduce costs and optimize the production process.

We must not forget that the main danger of using old or low-quality solutions is operational failures, which can cause even bigger problems, some of which have already been listed here. In other words, with modern and updated machines, it is easier to control losses.

Real example of how an updated textile machine impacts business

We have already shared on our social media how we helped Objeto Brasil reduce waste by R$ 15,000 with a Delta washer, for example.

Initially, they presented us with the difficulty of lack of productivity. Then, we realized that, with all the flaws present in the industry’s daily operations, the company was losing approximately R$ 500,000 per month!

As a solution, we used the DWM555 Sample Washer, created to speed up responses in laboratory tests. It replaced tests performed in conventional washers and household dryers with a standardized process, much more optimized and with quick response.

And besides reducing waste by R$ 15,000 at this stage, it was possible to achieve results such as more agility in the dimensional evaluation test, now lasting 15 minutes; a 75% reduction in monthly fabric consumption (from 660 kg to 165 kg per month); and a decrease of R$ 311.52 in monthly electricity consumption.

Start updating your textile industry now!

These 7 points listed here are just the beginning of a long list of problems and losses identified in textile industries due to the lack of an efficient textile machine. Therefore, it is important to understand that business growth is directly associated with this update.

Investments in automation and new technologies bring not only gains in productivity, competitiveness, and profitability but also reflect in safer operations aligned with the demands of Industry 4.0.

Therefore, a more modern textile machine impacts the future of businesses. Although this may be a significant investment for some businesses at this time, it needs to be considered in financial planning, as it directly reflects on long-term gains.

In other words, by investing in improvements for your factory floor, your industry only stands to gain. So, start researching today the solutions you need and tailor your operations with a technologically advanced textile machine that offers the confidence you need when working.

For this, you can rely on the Delta Textile Machinery portfolio. Because our creations are developed to bring to businesses the most modern and efficient options in the national and international market.

Additionally, our specialized support is always available to accompany each step and work for the quality of processes. Want to know more about what we can offer to your business? Download our catalog here!

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Delta Equipamentos was born out of the need for textile industries to optimize their production, aiming for greater competitiveness and constant updating in the globalized market. We offer innovative products and customized solutions, meeting the expectations and needs of our customers.