How to reduce costs and increase textile production?


Increase productivity and reduce costs: these are challenges you want to overcome in textile production? Know that working with these two scenarios is possible.

To do so, simply update management strategies based on the guidelines we listed in this content. Here are some tips based on our market experience that will contribute to your productivity.

Because we monitor textile production in companies in Brazil and Latin America we know that these are challenges for many businesses, especially in the challenging scenario we live in.

Therefore, continue reading and check out what we have to share to help you optimize industry spending while increasing production and profitability!

To start, do you monitor OEE and indicators that can help increase textile production?

The way you measure and track textile production results reflects on more assertive strategies in management

If you want to achieve high productivity and quality in textile production and also reduce costs by anticipating market needs, make sure to record and analyze all information about your manufacturing.

And when we talk about productivity and cost reduction in textile production, we cannot fail to include the OEE calculation (Overall Equipment Effectiveness, i.e., Overall Equipment Efficiency).

This is an important indicator of industrial performance. By tracking it, you will have more data and information on production capacity behavior as well as manufacturing costs.

A relationship between OEE calculation and textile production This indicator helps you identify bottlenecks that may be related to the quality, performance and availability of equipment.

Therefore, the more information you have on business and assets, the better decision-making and strategy creation will be to reduce costs and increase textile production.

Remember that OEE is just one of several indicators you should monitor in the industry. If you want to learn more, they are in the infographic we created for you to stay updated! Access and download now the content “8 Essential KPIs to Measure Textile Productivity.”

Delta Infographic

How does the efficiency of textile production impact profitability?

It is no surprise that increasing textile production and reducing costs are common objectives among sector managers. This is because these factors are directly associated with the productive efficiency. This concept refers to increasing your production capacity, while using fewer resources.

In this way, it is possible to avoid losses, as well as waste of inputs and increase the quality of textile production. Therefore, these strategies have a direct impact on increasing the profit margin, as, in addition to the factors already mentioned, they contribute to creating a better customer experience and increasing the added value of products.

How to reduce costs and increase textile production?

3 tips for producing more and spending less!

Did you know that, in addition to developing textile machinery and equipment, Delta offers production cycle consultancy to its customers throughout Brazil and Latin America?

It was from these experiences that we learned these tips for increasing textile production and reducing costs.

So, we share these guidelines on possible failures that may occur in your daily life and the solutions for these textile production needs. Check it out!

  1. Invest in team training

Firstly, remember that your textile production is in the hands of many people. Therefore, it’s not only the machines and equipment that influence increased productivity and cost reduction, nor solely your decisions.

The factory professionals need to be well-trained to fulfill their roles effectively. One way to meet this need is by investing in consultancy with experienced professionals from the market.

This helps to prevent errors and even workplace accidents, for example. It also reduces risks related to improper use of assets..

However, this should occur frequently, especially in the case of updating factory floor technologies. After all, this misalignment between employees, machinery, and processes results in waste of raw materials and financial resources, as well as causing slowdowns and a decrease in product quality.

Furthermore, training is a way to motivate the team, as motivated employees are more productive. In addition to training, it’s worth investing in improvements, bonuses, goal-setting, or even feedback that contributes to creating a good work environment.

How to reduce costs and increase textile production?

  1. Streamline your processes

    To increase textile production, it is important to improve the speed of processes. This is because, whoever produces faster, delivers faster and comes out ahead of the market. This way, it is possible to meet demands and improve customer experience and loyalty.

    However, this also requires great care, as “haste is the enemy of perfection”. Therefore, the time control becomes one of the main challenges of the textile industries. However, there are many solutions to overcome it.

    The production time, or lead time, can be improved through process mapping

    By identifying the time dedicated by labor and machinery in each production stage, it becomes easier to take action. We’ve already discussed team training above, so to complete this strategy, it’s important to invest in quality management, which reflects in more agility.

    In this regard, assess whether the raw materials you are using help avoid defects, failures, or bottlenecks, as this is a common cause of rework in your textile industry. Additionally, remember that outdated machinery increases production time and can harm the business.

    Let’s go through some examples?

    • The conventional resting process can result in up to 48 hours of waiting, while technologies like the RLX600 Knit and Fabric Relaxer perform the same operation in minutes with surprising and reliable results.
    • Is most efficient sample washer allows you to reduce knit and fabric waste, with quick responses to dimensional change tests – delivered in up to 20 minutes.

To complete this tip, always remember to have technical support nearby that can meet your needs promptly, so you don’t risk production stops or delays due to lack of assistance when needed.

  1. Transform results with technology.

4.0 in textile production, many industries are benefiting from the use of equipment that automates tasks while increasing product quality and providing more agility to the production process.

This modernization of assets allows, for example, product standardization, as well as waste reduction and increased productivity. It is worth remembering that old equipment has a shorter useful life than modern equipment.

They also require greater maintenance, offering more risks to operators, as they have fewer safety features.

How to reduce costs and increase textile production?

Therefore, the automation of textile production This enables increasing competitiveness and also reduces the need for labor. Production is optimized, and quality control is carried out more efficiently and quickly, with fewer hires.

Start implementing these tips in your textile industry and watch it grow!

By following the guidelines we listed in your textile production management, you can achieve benefits such as:

  • Reduction of rework for correction or even complete loss due to products manufactured outside specifications;
  • Optimization of costs with maintenance and other expenses generated by idle machines or unpreparedness of the team;
  • Improvement of customer experience and loyalty, thanks to faster deliveries and increased manufacturing quality.

Companies that are not updating their strategies end up losing space in the market. After all, manual processes and outdated workers cause more problems than results.

There is no ready-made recipe for reducing costs and increasing textile production. However, there are all these guidelines we listed here. And if you start considering them in your management, you’ll see the transformation of results happening in no time.

If you have any questions or want to know which Performance Indicators to analyze to ensure productivity, click and do the Free download of the infographic we created on the subject.

Delta Infographic


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Delta Equipamentos was born out of the need for textile industries to optimize their production, aiming for greater competitiveness and constant updating in the globalized market. We offer innovative products and customized solutions, meeting the expectations and needs of our customers.