Delta Máquinas’ relationship action values local quality during Febratex 2022

Delta Relationship Actions

The company, which is headquartered in Pomerode (SC) and specializes in automation solutions for textile industry production, created an initiative that showcases the tradition, quality and variety of the local economy. Customers will receive a basket of products with textile and gastronomic items made in the region

Nationally recognized as a tourist destination that values Germanic culture and brings experiences of colonization to visitors, Pomerode is not just the heart of the Vale Europeu. The city brings a technological bias and care for quality on several fronts, housing renowned companies with international recognition. And this is the potential that Delta Máquinas values in its relationship action, developed exclusively for Febratex 2022.

The company, specialized in machines for automation in the textile industry, is recognized in Latin America for its high-quality delivery potential and will show customers what its hometown has in this regard. Buyers of the Textile Stenter, a solution that is being launched at the event, will receive a special basket, made up of products that carry the “Made in / Hergestellt in – Pomerode” seal, which is an initiative of the Visit Pomerode Association (AVIP) and the Pomerode Business Association ( ACIP).

Among the brands that take part in the action are Nugali Chocolates, with award-winning labels in the International Chocolate Awards 2020-2021 global competition; Karsten, one of the main names in the production of bed and bath items; the Schornstein brewery, as well as artisanal items such as booze and jams that make up the Rota da Linguiça, one of Pomerode’s recent tourist attractions.

“We are in a region with high entrepreneurial potential, where Germanic culture prevails in every detail, including the delivery of products developed with exceptional quality. Showing our customers a little of the culture, history and attractions of Pomerode is a way of celebrating the recognition of our brand, which was born and strengthened here. We are proud of our origins and want to celebrate by supporting the local economy”, says the CEO of Delta Máquinas, Fábio Kreutzfeld.

Delta Máquinas, in addition to being present throughout the country, has a strong presence in Latin America, where it expanded its business in the last year. During Febratex, it presents the Textile Stenter, a machine applicable to the preparation and finishing of textile articles, and also celebrates its 15 years of history. The brand will be at stand 34, in sector 1.

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Delta Equipamentos was born out of the need for textile industries to optimize their production, aiming for greater competitiveness and constant updating in the globalized market. We offer innovative products and customized solutions, meeting the expectations and needs of our customers.