Industrial maintenance: 5 features to keep an eye on

insutrial maintenance

If you are looking for an industrial maintenance service, you need to pay attention to some characteristics that prove that it is really worth it. Due to its greater and more complex demands, this type of service requires extra attention, as well as a scope of superior services and qualities.

In this article we have separated the main characteristics that you must observe to hire a quality maintenance service. Check it out!


1. Response time

In industries, the longer the equipment spends with problems or even not working, the more losses it generates. Therefore, one of the most important factors is the response time of the industrial maintenance service. It needs to be carried out quickly, effectively and concentratedly.


2. Information Records

Although communication is carried out in a simple way, records must be kept in detail. This allows needs to be analyzed in a more strategic way, generating insights for companies and users on how to make better use of the attributes and functionalities of the product or service.


3. Human service

Despite technology assisting in many processes and even using them, at times human assistance is very necessary. A very automated maintenance service can make access to information difficult, as it will not always understand the complexity of what needs to be carried out, especially when it comes to servicing the industrial area of ​​the textile segment.

insutrial maintenance

Ideally, both should complement each other. Therefore, humanized service can be made available part of the time and, in another part, bots can help resolve simpler questions and carry out the first service to speed up the process.


4. Proactive Intercession

Far beyond solving problems, a good industrial maintenance service prevents them from occurring through active intervention. This happens through monitoring and performance reports that show the possibilities and trends of problems, depending on the type of production that the machine can perform.

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5. Technical team

The company that provides industrial maintenance services must also have a qualified technical team, with extensive knowledge of the products. The team needs to have experience and be analytical to solve problems more efficiently.

Check the possibility of remote service, in addition to contact via traditional channels such as email and telephone. Additionally, see if there is the possibility of sending a technician when remote solutions are not sufficient.




Discover Delta’s Service

Here at Delta we have Service, an industrial maintenance service created especially to serve our customers. In addition to thinking about all the characteristics mentioned above, we also have differences such as:

  • Research into customer history to check reports on visits and corrective or preventive maintenance carried out by our technicians, providing faster responses to problems.
  • Human service from 07:30 to 17:18. Outside these hours, we have bots to let you know about queries, complaints and service requests that will be returned as soon as the service is back up and running.
  • In addition to the database, we have experts who can resolve problems after asking a few questions or sending a technical visit and requesting replacement of parts/components or remote service.
  • We resolve technical problems, maintenance, correction and prevention. Everything so that you have the support you need.

Whenever you need it, count on the Service. We are available to serve you and resolve problems in the most agile and efficient way possible. And speaking of maintenance in industrial services, does your company already have maintenance planning and control? Check out how and why to create one now!

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Delta Equipamentos was born out of the need for textile industries to optimize their production, aiming for greater competitiveness and constant updating in the globalized market. We offer innovative products and customized solutions, meeting the expectations and needs of our customers.