Urbano invests in technology to carry out 4-hour tests in just 15 minutes, raising its quality level!

Time is one of the most valuable assets in production. Especially in the reality of Industry 4.0 that we live in, where processes are increasingly automated and agile. Therefore, today we want to present the success story of Urbano Têxtil. The company, by adopting the Delta Sample Washer in its activities, saved time and costs […]
Delta’s Production Cycle Consultancy: A Partnership Beyond Textile Equipment!

Did you know that, in addition to developing textile machines and equipment aligned with the 4.0 concept, we also offer consultancy for the entire production cycle of the sector? We understand that being close to our clients contributes to the agility and efficiency of processes. And in an increasingly demanding and highly competitive market, your […]
How to reduce costs and increase textile production?

Increase productivity and reduce costs: these are challenges you want to overcome in textile production? Know that working with these two scenarios is possible. To do so, simply update management strategies based on the guidelines we listed in this content. Here are some tips based on our market experience that will contribute to your productivity. […]
Reference in textile machinery, Delta celebrates 14 years

One of the concerns of fashion industries is having quality textile machines. And for 14 years, finding solutions that combine high productivity with the best market practices has become easier: since it was founded, Delta Máquinas has been offering items that are increasingly in line with the textile production process. In April, the brand celebrated […]
Trends in the textile sector for you to keep an eye on in the coming years!

Are you following trends in the textile sector? The way you stay up to date with market news directly reflects on the productivity of the textile industry. This is because businesses that know what is happening around them can anticipate uncertain scenarios, as well as take advantage of opportunities that are emerging before the competition. […]
The fashion industry and the environment need to go hand in hand!

The fashion industry and the environment are subjects that seem distant, but are increasingly closer today. This is because the market and consumers’ concern with conscious consumption only increases in all sectors, including textiles. Therefore, it is important to review processes and strategies to minimize environmental impacts and create sustainable solutions that meet demands. If […]
4 strategies to produce more while spending less in the textile industry

Competition in the textile segment is fierce, with several companies of different sizes trying to stand out and, at the same time, reduce production costs. It is a challenge for the textile industries to produce more, deliver quality, with a difference and reduce costs. We will help you, as there are strategies that can help […]
Post-pandemic trends in the textile industry

The coronavirus pandemic greatly affected the retail sector and, consequently, the textile industry, clothing, weaving, among others. In June 2020, ABIT (Brazilian Textile Industry Association) released data that revealed that 96% of textile industries had a drop in orders, with more than half of them experiencing a reduction of 50%. As a result, there is […]
How to increase textile productivity?

The raw material is well known in the textile segment, as it is an essential part of the finishing process. It basically consists of a conveyor chain that runs on the widening rail, as well as a heated oven to dry and provide heat treatment. Used in flat fabrics, knits or non-woven fabrics, it works […]
How much does fabric yield impact costs?

Does your manufacturing company have control over fabric yield? Although not always monitored, this information has a major impact on costs, as waste is one of the main problems within the textile industry and knowing the yield prevents this waste from occurring. By knowing data on fabric yields, it is possible to devise strategies that […]