Textile samples: how to optimize the washing process in industry?

Textile samples: how to optimize the washing process in industry?

The process of washing textile samples tends to be the center of one of the biggest problems in the textile sector. This is because this stage tends to be longer than it should be, delaying manufacturing activities, causing waste and damaging the final quality of the product. Therefore, promoting the optimization of these operations is […]

How to guarantee the reduction of waste in the textile chain?

textile chain

Waste is the biggest problem of an inefficient textile chain. Promoting productivity, agility and optimization in each activity and phase is essential to avoid waste, lost time and additional costs. To achieve this, it is necessary to invest in technology and intelligent solutions. Want to know more about the subject? So continue reading to see […]

Find out what types of industrial maintenance are

types of industrial maintenance - types of industrial maintenance

Knowing how to identify and apply types of industrial maintenance helps promote greater savings, productivity and time optimization. Understanding how they work is essential to develop strategies that aim to eliminate losses and prolonged periods of inactivity. In this article, we list the main types of textile maintenance and their characteristics, as well as tips […]

Maintenance of industrial machines: why do it?

Maintenance of industrial machines

Maintenance of industrial machines is a fundamental procedure to guarantee production quality. Bearing in mind that, by eliminating irregular stoppages, it is possible to reduce costs, in addition to increasing productivity and safety. With this in mind, below we list arguments that prove the importance of this process, as well as tips on how to […]

Weaving machines: relationship with quality control and optimization

Weaving machines

There are weaving machines that are capable of contributing to quality control and, consequently, to optimizing production. Investing in these solutions is the same as ensuring productivity, reducing costs and increasing competitive advantage. With this in mind, we list below the importance of these tools for the industrial weaving process, as well as some examples […]

It’s time to define your investment in textile machinery for 2023

Investment in textile machinery

With each passing year, it is necessary to monitor market volatility and invest in more efficient and modern textile machines. Only in this way will it be possible to provide what the market and consumers demand. With this in mind, in this article we have gathered real numbers and results that prove the importance of […]

Smart factories: learn everything about this textile trend

Smart factories are the result of Industry 4.0. With technological advances, this concept now aims to optimize processes and integrate information. For the textile industry, as it has high demand, the advantages can be the difference in making the business even more competitive. Therefore, in this content we will cover the model Smart Factory, the […]

Fabric pretreatment: how to reduce costs?

Fabric pretreatment

The fabric pretreatment phase is the period in which chemical processes occur that stimulate more vibrancy in the colors of the dyes added to the material. This is the time when care and attention must be taken to avoid errors such as incorrect ink drying, printing migration or failures caused by scratches. Thus, productivity optimization […]