Post pandemic: 3 ways to reduce clothing costs

The crisis caused by the coronavirus left companies’ cash flow compromised and the recovery, when it begins to happen, will not occur quickly. In fact, the post-pandemic recovery in Brazil could be up to 90% slower and clothing manufacturers need to be prepared for this scenario. One of the ways to contain the impacts caused […]
How to obtain the benefits of production standardization in clothing?

There are several benefits to standardizing production in manufacturing. Among them are error reductions, which can reduce rework, production of second-quality parts and even customer dissatisfaction, in addition to increasing profit margin, productivity, cost reduction and much more. Companies need these benefits to remain and gain more market share and, therefore, they need to always […]
Is it possible to guarantee quality in textile manufacturing?

There are several problems that are common in manufacturing, such as difficulty in stock control, low productivity, the purchase of poor quality raw materials, among others. As a result, many companies believe that there is no way to guarantee quality in textile manufacturing, but this is a mistake. In this article we will not only […]
5 mistakes in inventory management in clothing

It is not uncommon for managers to ignore or fail to establish solid inventory management policies in the clothing industry. The reserve of products and raw materials in an industry reveals valuable information that goes beyond quantity or type of merchandise. Managing stock correctly can avoid many losses, production stops, and a drop in productivity […]
Clothing: how process innovation can reduce costs

Here at Delta, we always reinforce the need for textile industries to modernize production and invest in innovation in manufacturing processes. There is no longer room for backward companies, with outdated and inefficient procedures and equipment. This scenario intensifies even more in times of recession, like the one we are experiencing due to the coronavirus […]
Waste in processing: how to avoid it?

Waste in textile processing is responsible for important losses, such as time, raw materials, impacts on quality and even its image in the market. This is a stage that involves fundamental processes for your products and that interfere with other production stages. The exhaustion procedures, continuous and semi-continuous, have a primary influence on the results […]
Humidity control of textile articles with the Hydro Sprinkler Station

The technology assists in various processes in the textile industry, including controlling the humidity of textile articles. The equipment developed can be great allies in quality control, also helping with productivity, improving the quality of articles and reducing failures. An example is the humidity control of textile articles, which previously caused several problems for industries. […]
Clothing machines: when to update production?

Updating manufacturing machines is a much discussed topic, mainly due to the modernizations present in the most current equipment. Among several benefits, they can offer more productivity and efficiency, in addition to being a differentiator from the competition. However, how do you know when the time is right to make the decision to modernize machinery? […]
The importance of quality control in processing

Quality control in processing is a key process in the textile industry for several reasons. The benefits of working with modernized machines, equipment and strategies range from increasing the value of your product to reducing costs and increasing your competitiveness in the market. However, companies and managers face challenges when adopting work control and monitoring […]
Digital ruler in textile production: what you need to know

With process automation, it is increasingly possible to obtain optimizations in textile industry services. An example is the digital ruler, because, although in Brazil many companies still use the manual method (tape measure) to measure the width of the mesh/fabric roll, it can solve several problems that may occur, in addition to providing benefits. Want […]