Textile production line: how to increase productivity?

The constant advancement of technology, and the growing demand for quality products, require ways to optimize textile production to increase productivity. Therefore, we have put together a list of 6 strategies that will help you ensure a more efficient and competitive operation.  Continue reading to check it out! Let's go? What is textile production? Textile production refers to the process of manufacturing fabrics and products derived from natural fibers (such as cotton, wool, silk, linen) or synthetic fibers (such as polyester, nylon, acrylic). This process involves several steps, from obtaining raw materials to producing fabrics and making finished products. Such as, for example, clothes, curtains, sheets, among others. According to an article by UNICAMP, textile production can be divided into: Spinning: production of threads or filaments that will be prepared for the weaving stage; Weaving: manufacture of flat fabrics or knitted fabrics (knitwear) and non-woven technology; Finishing/improvement: operations that give the product comfort, durability and specific properties; Manufacturing: drawing, making molds, grating, fitting, cutting and sewing. The final product of each phase of the textile process becomes the raw material for the subsequent stage, highlighting the diverse nature of the textile chain. After all, the textile industry in Brazil is one of the few developing countries that have all stages of textile production well developed. However, they can be fragmented into different industries, which makes this process even more complex. Each sector is made up of a variety of distinct segments, with their own dynamics, structures and specific players.

The constant advancement of technology, and the growing demand for quality products, require ways to optimize textile production to increase productivity. Therefore, we have put together a list of 6 strategies that will help you ensure a more efficient and competitive operation. Continue reading to check it out! Let’s go? What is textile production? Textile […]

5 benefits of Big Data for the industry

5 benefits of Big Data for the industry

If you still don’t understand very well what Big Data is and what its benefits are, don’t worry. We have gathered in this content the main information regarding this technology. So, continue reading and resolve, once and for all, your doubts on the subject. Let’s go? What is Big Data? Big Data is a technology […]

Maintenance indicators: learn about the main ones + free infographic

Maintenance indicators: learn about the main ones + free infographic

Maintenance indicators are extremely important for asset management! They help optimize industry performance and the useful life of machinery. In this article, you’ll see some of them and at the end you’ll find a free infographic with the complete list. So read on to resolve your doubts about this topic once and for all. Let’s […]

Sustainability in the fashion industry: what is the role of innovation?

Sustentabilidade na indústria da moda: 3 exemplos de tecnologias

Brands are increasingly being pressured to take on more conscious roles in society. Sustainability in the fashion industry, which is no longer new, is now a topic that is even more talked about and demanded by consumers. With this in mind, many companies have already started to adapt and, to do so, have used technology […]

How to increase the production capacity of your industry?

How to increase the production capacity of your industry?

The productive capacity of the textile industry concerns a possible number of production volume, always considering the main resources. This is important data for improving processes and activities to promote efficiency. Do you want to know how to expand your textile production capacity? So keep reading to check out the main tips! Why know and […]

How to guarantee the reduction of waste in the textile chain?

textile chain

Waste is the biggest problem of an inefficient textile chain. Promoting productivity, agility and optimization in each activity and phase is essential to avoid waste, lost time and additional costs. To achieve this, it is necessary to invest in technology and intelligent solutions. Want to know more about the subject? So continue reading to see […]

Find out what types of industrial maintenance are

types of industrial maintenance - types of industrial maintenance

Knowing how to identify and apply types of industrial maintenance helps promote greater savings, productivity and time optimization. Understanding how they work is essential to develop strategies that aim to eliminate losses and prolonged periods of inactivity. In this article, we list the main types of textile maintenance and their characteristics, as well as tips […]

Delta invests in the foreign textile market – check out the details!

After two challenging years, the foreign textile market is regaining momentum. In January 2022, Colombiatex, one of the largest textile fairs in Latin America, resumed its in-person schedule. And this recovery also brought Delta a strengthening of the brand’s presence in other countries. Check out our action plans for the foreign textile market here. Our […]

What is the difference between Hydro Sprinkler Station x Hydro Sprinkler

Hydro sprinkler

Our equipment is developed with performance and high productivity in mind for the textile industry. Each of them performs efficiently and effectively whether they are together or not. We also think about the high performance of our products being together, a Examples are the Hydro Sprinkler Station and the Hydro Sprinkler. The Hydro Sprinkler Station […]

Common manufacturing problems

Problems in manufacturing

A considerable portion of manufacturing problems are caused by inadequate attempts to compete with competitors and save money in the wrong way. It is also common to identify production bottlenecks that affect financial and quality management. Among so many challenges and difficulties, we selected the most common errors and problems in a textile industry. Check […]