Digital printing on fabric: how to have a continuous and low-cost process

Digital printing on fabric is a trend that has been growing in the industrial sector in recent years. With constant evolution and adaptation to digitalization, this has become an indispensable solution to guarantee quality, competitive advantage and compliance with consumer demands. With this in mind, in this text we have gathered everything you need to […]

Smart factories: learn everything about this textile trend

Smart factories are the result of Industry 4.0. With technological advances, this concept now aims to optimize processes and integrate information. For the textile industry, as it has high demand, the advantages can be the difference in making the business even more competitive. Therefore, in this content we will cover the model Smart Factory, the […]

7 impactos negativos que uma máquina têxtil desatualizada gera na indústria!

Já parou para pensar o quanto uma máquina têxtil eficiente e moderna faz a diferença nos negócios? Isso porque a desatualização pode impactar negativamente a produtividade, implicando em menos rentabilidade, principalmente em momentos de crise.  Perguntamos isso pois hoje vivemos a quarta revolução industrial, e os negócios que não estão investindo na atualização dos equipamentos, […]