Productivity in clothing: 3 effects of the lack of quality of raw materials

Production productivity

How much do you care about the quality of the raw materials you use in your production? Despite being one of the essential factors, not all companies carry out the inspection process correctly, which generates losses and reduces production productivity, profit margin and also impacts the possibility of growth. Check out now 3 effects of […]

5 mistakes in inventory management in clothing

It is not uncommon for managers to ignore or fail to establish solid inventory management policies in the clothing industry. The reserve of products and raw materials in an industry reveals valuable information that goes beyond quantity or type of merchandise. Managing stock correctly can avoid many losses, production stops, and a drop in productivity […]

Clothing: how process innovation can reduce costs

Here at Delta, we always reinforce the need for textile industries to modernize production and invest in innovation in manufacturing processes. There is no longer room for backward companies, with outdated and inefficient procedures and equipment. This scenario intensifies even more in times of recession, like the one we are experiencing due to the coronavirus […]

Clothing machines: when to update production?

Clothing machines

Updating manufacturing machines is a much discussed topic, mainly due to the modernizations present in the most current equipment. Among several benefits, they can offer more productivity and efficiency, in addition to being a differentiator from the competition. However, how do you know when the time is right to make the decision to modernize machinery? […]

Is the future of fashion sustainable?

The textile industry is considered one of the main villains when it comes to the environment. This happens mainly because of the production processes and also because of the high production that occurs in the world. However, the perspective is that this scenario will be reversed, with sustainable fashion and an increasingly conscious market. The […]

Common manufacturing problems

Problems in manufacturing

A considerable portion of manufacturing problems are caused by inadequate attempts to compete with competitors and save money in the wrong way. It is also common to identify production bottlenecks that affect financial and quality management. Among so many challenges and difficulties, we selected the most common errors and problems in a textile industry. Check […]

O que influencia o encolhimento de malha?

encolhimento de malha

Por diversas razões, o processo produtivo pode passar por problemas no beneficiamento têxtil, que é responsável pelo enobrecimento dos tecidos utilizados. O encolhimento de malha pode estar ligado a produtos químicos, gargalos na produção ou cálculo inadequado de ácidos e outros produtos. Atentar a esses fatores que interferem na estabilidade dimensional de um tecido é […]

What is fabric dimensional stability?

If you work in the textile industry you know how your production and process processes are influenced by the quality of the materials used. Therefore, it is important that you know the concept of fabric dimensional stability, as it influences the production and user experience. Problems with shrinkage, tears and contraction of fiber, seams and […]

Mass customization: what it is and its impacts on the fashion industry

Mass Customization

If you don’t already offer mass customization in your clothing, it’s time to start thinking about it. Mass customization is already a reality that is being used as a strategy to anticipate consumer needs and stand out from competitors. In this article you will understand how it works and its impacts on the textile industry. […]

Second quality: 5 tips to avoid it in your production

Textile machine operating in a clothing factory.

Buying raw materials with stains, holes, loose threads, color variations, among other issues, can result in second-quality products. This is because, even if not discarded, products made with such materials cannot be sold for the same value, reducing the profits of the clothing manufacturer. To prevent this from happening, it’s important to understand the causes […]