Textile machinery

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Weaving and knitting are two distinct methods of producing fabrics. In weaving, warp and weft threads are interwoven to form a fabric structure. The warp consists of the threads that are stretched longitudinally, while the weft crosses the warp transversely. This process results in more structured and stable fabrics, on the other hand, knitting produces knitted fabrics, which are formed by interconnected loops of yarn. These fabrics are more flexible, elastic and adaptable to the shape of the body.
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Textile processing refers to the processing steps that occur after the production of textile fibers and before the final manufacture of the pieces. It involves a variety of processes such as washing, dyeing, printing, finishing and other operations to improve the properties of fabrics. These steps aim to improve characteristics such as touch, appearance, resistance, impermeability, durability, among others. Processing is an important step in obtaining fabrics ready for manufacturing.
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Textile manufacturing is related to the production of clothing, accessories and other finished textile products. In this segment, fabrics from processing are transformed into garments by cutting, sewing, assembling and finishing. It can be made by hand or on a large scale in clothing industries that use machines and automated processes. This stage involves creating patterns, cutting the fabrics according to these patterns and assembling the pieces to form the clothes.
Check out all Delta’s solutions for this segment here!