Efficiency in Clothing Manufacturing: Discover How Machine Layout Can Help

People in a meeting discussing manufacturing efficiency with the company's current machine layout.

Providing efficiency in clothing manufacturing is a highly desired goal for production and maintenance supervisors, but often, many believe it requires significant transformations and investments. In this article, we’ll present a very accessible solution: the reorganization of machine layout. Although it requires planning, it can bring various benefits when done properly. Continue reading to better […]

Waste in clothing: 4 ways to combat this problem

Textile machine in operation representing Waste in manufacturing.

Waste in manufacturing is very harmful and can have financial consequences for the industry. Taking into account the competitiveness of the market, avoiding it can be decisive for the organization to achieve success in its segment. Therefore, if you notice that there is waste during production processes, you need to devise strategies to combat the […]

Sustainability in manufacturing: an issue to be analyzed

Two people in a meeting discussing sustainability in textile manufacturing.

Working on the concept of sustainability in garment manufacturing is a necessity because, besides being crucial for the environment, it is also financially advantageous for the company. Contrary to what may be imagined, such actions are not complicated and even help increase productivity. Read on to better understand the subject!   The importance of sustainability […]

Quality inspection: avoid losses from a deficient process

Mesh roll being reviewed in an automatic proofreader, to avoid any losses when carrying out a poor quality inspection.

Did you know that the lack of quality inspection carried out in the textile industry from the first stages of the processes can lead to several problems and losses? In this article we will talk about the consequences of a poor inspection and we will also give tips to prevent them from occurring in your […]

Clothing in Industry 4.0: What is the real productive gain?

Image of an automatic relaxer in a Clothing Factory in Industry 4.0

Have you heard about the advantages obtained through the entry of garment manufacturing into Industry 4.0? The textile industry has evolved significantly in recent years, and automated processes have already benefited several companies. With it, it’s possible to optimize processes, increase productivity, and even avoid waste. Want to know how? Continue reading the article and […]

Raw material: how important is it in manufacturing?

Textile relaxer, used to receive raw materials.

Anyone who works in the textile industry obviously knows that raw materials are an essential part of the service. However, choosing suppliers that provide quality fabrics and being able to identify when the products are not suitable can be decisive for the company’s success or failure.   Want to know why? Continue reading!   Make […]

Demand in excess: How to maintain textile productivity?

In the image you can see textile machinery working to maintain textile productivity.

Textile productivity involves maintaining quality control from the beginning to the end of the production process, which undoubtedly is one of the major challenges for clothing manufacturers. This type of management approach is a significant competitive advantage. Therefore, developing final products with consistent quality standards can mean success for a company’s business. However, it’s not […]

How to modernize quality control in garment manufacturing?

A person's hand testing the markings on the mesh with a ruler, the scene is part of the quality control in manufacturing carried out with Delta's sample washer.

Quality control in garment manufacturing is a set of procedures aimed at maintaining the standard, policies, and performance of the entire production process, from management and administration to product delivery. Therefore, it goes beyond just inspecting the pieces. Modernizing quality control in the textile industry is an essential step for those aiming to stay competitive […]

Mesh preparation: how does it work in manufacturing 4.0?

Mesh preparation

Updated on: 04/04/2019 Fabric preparation is a crucial step in textile quality control. Contrary to some beliefs, it starts much earlier than the final product manufacturing process. In fact, it’s essential right at the beginning of production, during the raw material selection phase. Before using a fabric roll, it’s important to identify potential defects such […]

How to Calculate Mesh Roll ROI

Mesh roll ROI is one of the most important results that can be obtained from textile quality control. Having accurate data on the Return on Investment (ROI) of the mesh roll ensures benefits such as identifying the best suppliers and standardizing textile production. In addition to the use of mesh rolls with a better quality […]