O que é tecido plano?

O que é tecido plano?

O tecido plano é um dos tipos mais comuns da indústria têxtil. Não à toa, é usado para o desenvolvimento de diferentes produtos, garantindo versatilidade e durabilidade. Para conhecer mais detalhes dele, de suas características e processos de confecção, continue a leitura. Solucionamos suas principais dúvidas sobre o assunto. Vamos lá? Mas afinal, o que […]

Machines for the textile industry: get to know Delta!

Machines for the textile industry: get to know Delta!

Without machines for the textile industry, there is no way to guarantee an optimized and quality operation, capable of generating returns and marketing advantages. Such as, for example, the uninterrupted and complete operation of production. To understand more about their impacts and functions, continue reading! Let’s go? But, after all, what are machines for the […]

Clothing in Industry 4.0: what is the real productive gain?

Confecção na Indústria 4.0: qual é o real ganho produtivo?

Have you noticed the advantages of manufacturing in industry 4.0? The textile industry has evolved significantly in recent years, and automation has brought benefits to several companies. With it, it is possible to optimize processes, increase productivity and even avoid waste. Want to know how? Continue reading the article Clothing in industry 4.0: a general […]

How does additive manufacturing optimize Industry 4.0?

How does additive manufacturing optimize Industry 4.0?

Additive manufacturing is directly connected to industry 4.0. But how does this production model optimize the Fourth Revolution? Read the text to find out! In other words, it collaborates with the integration of automation, data and connectivity of production processes. To understand a little more about this relationship, continue reading. In this text, we have […]

6 myths and truths about mesh relaxation

6 mitos e verdades sobre relaxamento de malha

The mesh relaxation process is very important to define the width and length of the fabric. As technology evolves, the relaxation process is improved, which raises some doubts and gives rise to myths related to this process. In this article we separate 6 of them. Check it out!   All meshes can be relaxed MYTH […]

Digital and conventional printing: main differences

digital and conventional printing main differences

There are some differences between digital and conventional printing. They are related to the impacts on the productivity, profitability and socio-environmental responsibility of the textile industries. The important thing is to know these characteristics to understand which of the two techniques is the most advantageous for your business. Therefore, below, we compare both with the […]

How to guarantee high performance and quality in spreading?


With technological developments in the textile industries, the spreading process was one of the most benefited steps. After all, today it is possible to optimize operations with the help of automation. In the era of industry 4.0, investing in digital resources is essential to increase the quality of the production process. The use of intelligent […]

Production management: learn how to optimize in the textile industry

Production management in the textile industry

Production management needs to be carried out efficiently, especially in the textile industry. After all, here, an error can cause the loss of material that will need to be sold at a lower value or discarded. Although many organizations believe that their processes are efficient, in most cases, they could still be optimized. Especially when […]

Clothing manufacturing: 6 reasons to innovate!

Clothing making

Today, innovation is part of the clothing manufacturing industry! There is no longer room for resistance regarding technology investment. After all, they are capable of guaranteeing competitive advantages to the sector, contributing to the marketing evolution of the company. Do you want to understand more about the subject? So, below, find out what are the […]

How to improve the fabric review stage?

How to improve the tissue review stage

The fabric review stage is essential to promote the quality of the final product. In addition to ensuring productivity and cost reduction throughout the production chain. But, did you know that there is a way to improve this process even further? To understand how this practice can be optimized and automated, continue reading. We have […]